
THNIC joins APAC DNS Forum 2023

on July 5, 2023        by Administrator

On July 4 and 5, 2023, the Thai Network Information Center Foundation (THNIC) was invited by The Asia Pacific Domain Name System (APAC DNS) to participate in the APAC DNS Forum 2023. Mr. Anawin Pongsaboripat, assistant director of the THNIC Foundation, represented THNIC Foundation at the conference and also served as a speaker in the session entitled ‘The next phase of digital transformation: A Multilingual Internet.’ 

During this session, Mr. Anawin presented and exchanged perspectives on the implementation of Universal Acceptance (UA) projects for local languages in different countries. He showcased an UA project for the Thai language, which includes both the Thai language domain name – .ไทย and the Thai language email address – @คน.ไทย.


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