Net to Home (Social Enterprise) Co., Ltd. or Net2Home is a registered Net to Home (Social Enterprise) Co., Ltd., or Net2Home, is registered company that was registered so the Thai Network Information Center Foundation, or THNIC Foundation, could fulfil its mission to increase the Internet penetration rate in Thailand. In 2014, ITU-D estimated Thailand’s Internet penetration rate at 34.89%, ranking the country fifth among the 10 ASEAN member states.
THNIC Foundation started a project of increasing Internet access using DUMBO technology (Digital Ubiquitous Mobile Broadband OSLR) developed THNIC Foundation initiated a project to increase Internet access using DUMBO technology (Digital Ubiquitous Mobile Broadband OSLR) developed by intERLab, AIT, which is a firmware that can deploy through small mobile routers. The first of these mobile routers was then installed in the Thai Samakkhee village in Tak province, northern Thailand in 2013 through a THNG Camp activity. The endeavor was very successful as the community network evolved to become one of the village’s main infrastructures. After this, further mobile routers were installed annually.

After finding this operation model suitable as it was less complicated and economical for installation, the Net to Home Co., Ltd. found it was easy to handle because of its scalability and effectiveness for villages or communities requiring Internet access, but without the funds to afford market price. Net2Home plans to register as a social enterprise once they complete procedures to comply with state policy.
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